It appeares as a perennial tree (i.e., living for more than two consecutive years), which can reach 12-13 meters in the wild. In cultivation, however, the tree is kept below 3.5 meters. It has an umbrella-shaped crown and slender and slightly twisted trunk and branches. The leaves are elliptical, with sharp tips and serrated edge and purple-red petioles. The average width is 7-8 cm, but varies from one cultivar (variety) to another, while still larger than other trees of the same family. The flowers are very similar to their cousins, cherries, plums and peaches. The flowers are single, but bloom in small groups at the leaves to root. They have 5 sepals and petals, many erect stamens and varying from pure white to slightly pink. The tree is usually pollinated by insects (bees) and requires no manual pollinating.
Calendar of production
Variety | J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Apricots |